Download: Fitch Even Litigation Practice at a Glance
Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery's national litigation and trial practice provides sophisticated, highly effective representation to a wide range of clients in virtually every major industry. Our deep experience, strategic approach, vigorous advocacy, and proven trial capabilities have led to a stellar track record of success against top legal teams from the nation's largest law firms. Fitch Even has handled cases involving a variety of technologies and complex fact patterns underlying claims of patent infringement, trade secret theft, breach of license, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, unfair competition, and more.
Submitting an IP dispute for resolution by a jury or judge is an inherently risky high-stakes proposition for any business venture. One of our core competencies is the trial of IP cases to judges and juries. Our litigation teams are led by accomplished lead trial attorneys, each of whom has significant courtroom experience and a proven track record at the trial court and appellate levels. Most of our litigators also have science backgrounds and patent bar credentials, enabling us to provide teams possessing a mix of legal and technical capabilities tailored to the needs of each case.
Fitch Even understands that IP litigation is just one component of our clients' broader business missions. We collaborate with our clients to develop a strategic litigation plan that supports and aligns with their underlying business objectives. Within that framework, we approach each case with an emphasis on efficiency, legal ingenuity, and effective advocacy. We litigate in lean, efficient teams to avoid the undue expense associated with unnecessarily large staffing. The hands-on approach and involvement of experienced trial counsel at all stages permits each critical decision to be approached with a realistic appreciation of what is needed-and what is not needed-to win at trial. Our litigators are skilled at using the pre-trial discovery process to position cases for victory within appropriate budgetary constraints, are effective writers and advocates, and consistently excel under pressure, including at the moment of truth in court.
For more information on our litigation practice, please visit the Litigation Services located on the left side of the page.