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IP Transactions

The emergence of technology as an important value driver in today's economy has brought forth an explosion of complex commercial transactions involving intellectual property. Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery LLP has the expertise to support intellectual property and technology transfers in myriad commercial settings. Our deep understanding of patents, trademarks, and copyrights—and the procedures for obtaining and enforcing these assets—permits us to approach each transaction with unique insights regarding the scope and value of the asset involved and the benefits and potential pitfalls of various transaction structures.

We ensure all patents, trademarks, and copyrights are fully secured as part of the deal terms, with full protection of trade secrets. By working closely with your business leaders, bringing creative ideas and negotiating experience to the table and identifying and resolving issues before disputes arise, our lawyers help you identify, structure, and close IP-focused transactions that support and drive your business objectives.

Backed by the firm's litigation practice, Fitch Even is uniquely qualified to help organizations develop and execute broad-based patent licensing initiatives in response to ongoing patent infringements. We handle such matters under both traditional and contingent fee structures. Our lawyers are proficient in the strategic use of litigation to drive licensing efforts, achieving favorable results for clients in a variety of licensing campaigns.

With new deal structures, financing arrangements, and approaches such as IP auctions gaining in acceptance, our lawyers stay current and engaged with the ever-evolving changes in the marketplace for IP transactions. For organizations wishing to sell underutilized IP assets, Fitch Even is an attractive alternative to traditional IP brokers because our patent analysis and enforcement capabilities can better position the portfolio for sale and also drive higher valuations in discussions with potential buyers.

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